Adventist Tuition and Registration Fees for 2025-2026
$350/mo - 10 month payment schedule August through May
1st child |
2nd child |
3rd child |
Marion Adventist Member May qualify to receive discount. Tuition Amount Due |
350.00 41% discount 205.00 mo. |
350.00 47% discount 185.00 mo. |
350.00 53% discount 165.00 mo. |
Non-Marion Adventist Member May qualify to receive discount. Tuition Amount Due |
350.00 33% discount 235.00 mo. |
350.00 39% discount 212.00 mo. |
350.00 43% discount 200.00 mo. |
Non-Adventist Student May qualify to receive discount. Tuition Amount Due |
350.00 Discount N/A 350.00 mo. |
350.00 10% discount 315.00 mo. |
350.00 20% discount 280.00 mo. |
Tuition: (can be paid by three different options)
- Parents/guardians who choose to pay the tuition in full by August 1st will automatically receive a 5% additional discount at time of payment if not receiving any other discount.
- Parents/guardians may make payments in two installments:
- First installment: Due by August 1st (for August-December tuition).
When first installment is paid; parents/guardians will receive a 2% discount if not receiving any other discount.
- Second installment: Due by January 1st (for January-May tuition).
When second installment is paid; parents/guardians will receive a 2% discount if not receiving any other discount.
NOTE: If payment is not received by the school treasurer by August 1st/January 1st; parents and/or guardians must sign up for pre-authorized monthly deducted payments through SIU Credit Union by August 5th/January 5th (form will be provided to you by school treasurer). Failure to do so, without other agreements between parents and the school, will require the school board to dismiss student immediately until sign-up has been completed and tuition has been paid and made current. Once this is completed; the student will be allowed to return to school.
- Parents/guardians sign up for pre-authorized monthly deducted payments through the SIU Credit Union (this form will be provided to you by the school treasurer). Monthly payments are due on the 15th of each month beginning with August through May.
Registration Fees: $250/one-time payment per child, per academic school year.
The Registration Fee is due and payable by August 1st; the student may not attend class until payment is received in full. The Registration fee covers cost of textbooks and student accident insurance. Registration fees are non-refundable. **Registration Fees paid in March & April receive a 10% discount ($225); Paid in May receive a 5% discount ($238). If Registration Fees are paid during June, July and August, the full amount of $250 is due.
Past due accounts are subject to finance charges of $35. A 7-day grace period will apply. This would include any of the automatic deduction payments that have been returned by the banking facility. The school and administration continue to be willing to work with families to develop appropriate payment plans, however, failure to meet the payment plan obligation will be cause for collection action.